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Our Dallas law offices are directly off the DART rail Lover's Lane Station.
Our Dallas law offices are directly off the DART Lover's Lane Rail Station
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Dallas Lawyer, Shelly B. West, a Dallas area law firm offers legal help with family law, wills, probate, divorce, paternity, alimony, child support, visitation, inheritance, incorporations, corporate defense.

Funny Lawyer Jokes

A man went into a dark quaint old antique shop, looked around and saw a very old-looking brass rat figurine. The man asked the owner of the shop about the price of the brass rat. The owner shook his head and said: "Just take it, you won't be able to keep it...you will return it by the end of the day...everyone does."

The customer took the rat, thanked the owner and assured him he would not return it. As he began walking home, the man heard soft, scurrying sounds behind him and looked back to see two rats following him. He thought that was odd and as he continued walking he noticed more and more rats following him, coming out from alleys and gutters everywhere. He began to be frightened and started trying to outrun the rats, but try as he might, they stayed up with him as their numbers grew to the hundreds. He could see a pier ahead and ran as fast as he could to the edge of the pier and threw the brass rat as far as he could. The rats ran past him and all pummelled into the ocean and drowned.

In a few minutes, the shop owner looked up and and smiled smugly as he saw the customer walking in his shop and he said "I told you that you would return him!"

The customer replied " I'm not bringing him back, I'm here to see if you have a brass lawyer."

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